William Shatner Autograph Signing


William Shatner, legendary star of “Star Trek”, will be signing autographs in Texas next month. AUTOGRAPH SIGNING DETAILS 7/22/17 4:00 PM Fiterman Sports Memorabilia Baybrook Mall. Friendswood, TX. About William Shatner: William Shatner (born March 22, [read more]

Bret Hart Autograph Signing


Bret Hart, wrestling great, will be signing autographs in Texas next month. AUTOGRAPH SIGNING DETAILS 7/9/17 2:00 PM Fiterman Sports Memorabilia Baybrook Mall. Friendswood, TX. About Bret Hart: Bret Sergeant Hart (born July 2, 1957), [read more]

Earl Campbell Autograph Signing


Earl Campbell, Heisman winner and NFL star, will be signing autographs at the following location in July. BOOK SIGNING DETAILS 7/8/17 2:00 PM Fiterman Sports Memorabilia Baybrook Mall. Friendswood, TX. About the Author: Earl Campbell [read more]

Alton Brown “EveryDayCook” Book Signing


Alton Brown, star of “Good Eats” and “Cutthroat Kitchen”, will be signing copies of “EveryDayCook” at various locations across the country. BOOK SIGNING DETAILS 9/27/17 7:00 PM Book Revue New York Avenue. Huntington, NY. 9/28/16 [read more]

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